Survey to showcase all question types with default settings

This survey is a demonstration of all NgSurvey question types with the default settings and no customizations, alternate variations of the question types are not included.

Download the survey json file below (remove _.txt extension before importing using NgSurvey Import/Export plugin)

This is a standard html page header which can show any random text

You can explain more about the questions on this page and give hints about whatever you would like to give.

Select an option from the below list of options

This is a multiple-choice question, this question can have multiple variations such as radio buttons, checkboxes and select boxes.

Choose the answer for each of the row in the below grid of answers

A grid type question show table of questions and answers where multiple questions can have identical multiple answers. Questions are shown on rows, while the options are shown on the Columns. One can choose the matching question-option combos using the radio buttons (one option per row can be selected) or the checkboxes (multiple options per row can be selected).

First column
Last column
This is the first question of this grid type
We can have multiple questions like this question
Each question can have identical answers shown in columns
Users can select the answers for each question
Select the answers for each of these questions
From the below set of images, choose the one that you like the most

While the multiple-choice type question allows you to list down only text answers, the images type question allows you to choose images instead of text answers. Of course, the text answers can also be entered here but the users can easily choose the images. Users can select a single image or multiple images based on the option that you choose.

Match the following questions with their corresponding answers

Matching type questions are useful when you would like to offer multiple answers for each question from which the user can select one answer for each question.

The brand I admire of
The brand items which I mostly use
I wish to have the products of this brand in future
Brand I would like to avoid at all
I will recommend this brand to my friends
Rank the following based on your order of preference

Ranking questions allow you to showcase a list of products, names, etc., and ask your users to rank them based on their personal preference. Each rank holds a weight, gives more weight to the first, least to the last.

Share your rating on the most famous hollywood movie sequels listed below

Star ratings allow you to get visual feedback on a set of items of a subject. The users can select the star rating for each of the options that you enter.

Star Wars
Bond Movies
Mission: Impossible
Fast and Furious
Drag the slider and select your answer for this question

Sliders allow you to display numeric as well as text-based answers which users can select by dragging the slider. You can also have multiple sliders displayed with each slider for an option.

How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?

A net promoter score question type is widely used to get the feedback of how likely a user will choose/recommend your product/service etc.

Not at all
Yes for sure
Select the date of inception of the business
Enter your full name
Enter your postal address in the below form

Postal address question shows standard postal address form with all fields required to build a full address.

Select your current location on the map

Map Location question allows you to get the exact location of any point on the map that the user selects. 

Since how many years you are working at your current organization?
Please sign your signature on the below signature block
Do you have any other feedback for us?